Factory Direct
- How do I place an order?
To place an order you at first have to add products to your shopping cart. To do this you must have cookies in your browser enabled. Then you can click on Check Out in the shopping cart or in the right top of the products window.
- How long does it take to receive the order I placed?
All items are shipped from Russia. It may take 7 days for your order to be posted on the Russian Post, depending on the day that it was ordered and the availability if the item. Once in the Russian post, it will take another 7 days for the item to clear out of custoner. From there, expect another 10-14 business days of shipment. If you're in the US, item will be delivered via USPS. Please be informed that we're doing out best to improve the delivery time and methods.
- How do I pay for this merchandise?
When you click on the check out button, you'll be prompted to pay the amount of your order using a credit or Paypal. We accept all kinds of major cred
- Can I order something that is sold out?
No, we have no control over the availability/stocking of the items. The Lomonosov Imperial Porcelain Factory has it's own schedule for producing items. You can, however, put the item on your cart for later purchase or in your wishlist. You may also send us an email so that we can notify you once the item becomes available.
- Can I order any item I see?
Yes, of course. If there is anything else you might need that you don't see in the catalogs, let us know and we'll see if we can help you.
- What does it mean if there is no price?
Please accept our apologies if you see an item without description or prices. We have thousands of products and we might have missed adding a price to some of them.
- What about shipping to foreign countries?
We ship world wide. Shipping price upon request.
- I received my order and it is damaged. What do I do?
All our parcels are insured, just notify us and we will take care of this.
- How much is freight to a place other than the US?
Our shipping charges vary for each country. Drop us a line.
- What about customs in my country, is there any duty?
Each country has there own duty rates, any tobacco items are generally a problem.
- How do i recover my password?
Please contact our customer service and it will respond providing you with your new password.